The cFos Charging Manager is marketed by 2 industrial companies under their own name as a white-label product and is in use in various projects with approx. 4500 charging points (as of May 2024).
Miha Sokolov installed the solar system on the garage roof of his old building. There are two residential units in the house (ground floor and first floor), each with an electricity meter for the consumption of the flat and an associated cFos PowerBrain wallbox. The individual components are connected to each other via LAN, WLAN and Modbus (see wiring diagram on the right).
cFos Power Brain Wallbox with three meters:
Initial situation: No charging stations available. Electrification of 11 parking spaces desired. Specification of charging hardware from various manufacturers. 9x 22 kW AC wall boxes and 1x 90 kW DC charging station (with 2 charging points).
Challenge: Combination of AC and DC charging stations as well as combination of different manufacturers. Limited power at the house connection as well as at the supply line for the charging infrastructure.
Solution: Dynamic load management at the house connection as well as static load management for sub-distribution for charging infrastructure with cFos Charging Manager.
Initial situation: Car park consisting of 4x publicly operated 22 kW AC wall boxes, which are available to the company fleet and third parties, is to be extended by 1x 60 kW DC charging station, without enlarging the existing supply line of the charging infrastructure.
Challenge: Integration and networking of the existing charging infrastructure and the new one to be built into one system. Insufficient connection power for parallel operation of all charging stations after retrofitting the DC charging station. Integration of all charging stations into one billing backend, as the charging stations are additionally operated publicly.
Solution: Integration of all charging stations (4x AC and 1x DC) into static load management with cFos Charging Manager as well as integration of all charging stations into a higher-level billing backend for billing in compliance with calibration regulations.
Apartment building with 13 parties (living space) and 13 parking spaces in underground car park. Hot water preparation via central heating, therefore house connection capacity 55kW. 70kWp solar system (PV) with feed-in to busbar.
Car park with 25 cFos Power Brain Wallboxes in a residential building with a commercial unit in Siegburg. Executed by MMS COMMUNICATION M.Schmittinger GmbH & Co KG,
We supply technology for XADER EPLEX. EPLEX is an impressive optimised charging solution for underground car parks and multi-storey car parks.
What kind of system have you realised with cFos Charging Manager? We welcome feedback and would be happy to show more installations here. Contact us.
We are proud to have realised so many interesting projects with our partners in the past 2 years (as of 10/2022):